Even if you talk with your team members and have regular check-ins, the quarterly conversations are still a critical part of EOS. They offer a unique opportunity to truly listen to what each individual team member has to say. According to a fact sheet published by the University of Southern California in 2020, people who haven’t actively developed their listening skills are likely to only understand and remember about half of any conversation they have. Half! After two days have passed, that person’s recall ability drops to less than 25%. And when you’re regularly having conversations with several direct reports? Chances are pretty good that something slips through the cracks. It’s important for ALL of us to work on being better listeners. Let me share with you two truths to get your attention: 1) People process information FAST. As humans, we are wired to process information faster than we can receive it. While we can speak 120-200 words a minute, our brain has the capacity to process 500+ words per minute. So what do we do with that extra capacity? In doing a simple 3-minute listening exercise with dozens of leaders, here is what they tell me happens in their […]
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